
January 2022 Newsletter is uploaded!

18 Dec 2021

January 2022 Newsletter is now online. Please see the dojo's 2022 yearly schedule. We wish you a very joyous New Year!

December 2021 Newsletter is uploaded!

27 Nov 2021

Here is our latest newsletter. Please enjoy reading an article contributed by Louis Chatfield, Nidan. This newsletter had a schedule for Christmas and New Year's holidays. 

November 2021 Newsletter is uploaded!

30 Oct 2021

November 2021 newsletter is here. Congratulations to the students who graded this month for your great performance. We appreciate your cotinuous efforts of diligent training. Please check this newsltter to find the information about our yearly self-defence class and demonstration scheduled on 20th Saturday. 

October 2021 Newsletter is uploaded!

26 Sep 2021

October 2021 Newsletter is uploaded! Congratulations to everyone who graded this month, special congratulations to Danielle for Shodan and Louis for Nidan! Wonderful performance! Please enjoy reading Mori Sensei's a 'coffee break' article, "Close-cropped hair." 

September 2021 newsletter is now ready to read

29 Aug 2021

September 2021 newsletter is uploaded! Please enjoy reading Mori Sensei's article, "Jiyu-waza – 'Originality is produced if imitative learning reaches its highest.” Congratulations on all the students both children and adults who demonstrated excellent Aikido skills for our 26th annual demonstration. We were so proud of our children who showed great focus and performed wonderful techniques in harmony. We were very impressed with adults demonstration that showed very advanced level of Aikido. Thank you very much for your excellent work! 

Normal class starts on this Friday 20th of August!

18 Aug 2021

OSU! Thanks to all the Queenslanders and QLD government, the current restrictions are to end on this Friday at 4pm. That means we can start practising techniques as usual from the evening classes on Friday. Adults demonstration is now scheduled on Saturday 28th 1pm.

We can recommence children's class from this Saturday 21st. We hope many children will return this Saturday and then we can have a rehearsal as well as training. If it seems to be ok, we will hold children's demonstration on Saturday 28th. Senior group: 9.30am-10.00am rehearsal, 10.00am-10.30am demonstration and awarding. Junior group: 10.30am-11.00am rehearsal, 11.00am-11.30am demonstration and awarding.

We are looking forward to having our students back on the mats and new students starting from this Friday. We thank you deeply for your kind understanding and continuous support for the dojo. OSU!

The dojo reopens tomorrow on Monday 9th

8 Aug 2021

OSU!Great news for Brisbane people! The dojo will be open from tomorrow as usual, yet we humbly ask you to wear your masks on even during training for two weeks. However, you can remove it when you feel unsafe. We shall accept this challenge as a true marital art training like samurai used to do, training under difficult and severe conditions. Only for two weeks, we shall enjoy the challenge!

As of our annual demonstraion, we are allowed to have up to 50 people in the dojo, according to "1 person per 2m2, up to a maximum of 50" rule. We will postpone children's demonstration to Saturday 21st and devide it in two sessions; senior group 9:30am rehearsal and 10:00am demo, junior group 10:30 rehearsal and 11:00am demo. In this way, we can have parents to watch their children's performance. Adults demonstration is still scheduled on Saturday 21st from 1pm but we shall consult with our students.

Thank you very much for your ongoing kind support and understanding for the dojo.We are looking forward to seeing our students who can come out of lockdown back on the mats from tomorrow. We thank any others who need to be still in quarantine for your patience and devotion to the community. OSU!

August 2021 Newsletter is uploaded!

26 Jul 2021

August 2021 Newsletter is now ready to read. Congratulations on these people who displayed excellent permormance for their grading tests. We have a black belt article contributed by Duong Thai, Nidan. Please enjoy reading her story. In August, 26th annual demonstration is scheduled. Let's train focused aiming for a great success at the demo!

July 2021 Newsletter is uploaded!

26 Jun 2021

July 2021 Newsletter is now ready to read. Congratulations on these people who graded this month. Mori Sensei is very happy with everyone's performance. Let's keep it up! Please enjoy Mori Sensei's article "Predictive ability/sensing feelings." We wish you have a nice weekend!

June 2021 Newsletter is uploaded!

29 May 2021

June 2021 Newsletter is now uploaded. Congratulations on Dean and Louis for completing Jun-Nidan syllabus and thank you for your diligent training. Congratulations on all the teenagers whose perfomance Mori Sensei highly appreciated. Thank you so much Greg Burley for contributing  your thoughts on achieving Nidan rank.